Focus Groups

May 29, 2022

Focus group activity focuses on gathering insights and perspectives from experts in the field to identify and categorize the essential employability skills needed in the current labor market. Through a series of focus groups and research, our partners aim to create a comprehensive list of skills divided into three main areas: digital, entrepreneurial, and sustainability. This activity serves as a foundation for enhancing our understanding of the skills required by SMEs and entrepreneurs, going beyond traditional hard skills.

Expert Consultation

We engage with 30 professionals, including SME owners, HR managers, and employers, to gain their valuable input on the employability skills they typically seek in employees. By utilizing established frameworks, such as ENTRE_COMP, DIGI COMP, ISO 26000 Social Responsibility, and ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems, the partners guide the conversation towards a common understanding. The insights gathered during these consultations form the basis for further analysis.

Creation of the Skill Up Inventory

collecting best practices and resources that can be beneficial in subsequent stages of the project. The partners curate items such as need assessment questionnaires, motivational courses, coaching and mentoring techniques, employability development tools, and learning outcome assessment methods. These resources are compiled in an online folder and utilized during the three planned workshops.

Benefits and Outcomes

  • Improved knowledge and expertise among partners through the sharing of best practices and mutual support.
  • Enhanced understanding of labor market needs in terms of employability skills.
  • Strengthened local synergies and opportunities for cooperation among stakeholders.

The results of this activity include a consolidated list of employability skills divided into three areas, as well as country reports, an inventory of resources, and a comprehensive report with conclusions. These outcomes contribute to a solid foundation of knowledge, ensuring that the project’s results are based on robust EU-level evidence.
